Serve the Lord with Gladness

South Wisconsin District

LWML SWD Grant Update

Mon, Mar 14, 2022 12:00 AM

As we finish out this biennium and look forward to the SWD convention in June, we also come to the close of the Mite Grant list. Students studying for full time church work will be blessed this summer with scholarships from the South Wisconsin District of the LCMS, assisted by the second half of the grant, SWD Church Worker Grant ($15,000). The first installment of $15,000 was given for distribution in 2021. We thank our gracious and giving God for the completion of this commitment and our chance to assist future church workers.

The next two and final grants are, Christ's Mercy in Russia ($5,000) and Making Jesus Known in US Enthnic Communities. Again, because of God's blessing, the Board of Directors voted to change the amount to Making Jesus Known from the partial (vote at the 2020 convention) to complete, ($7500).

Two mercy ministries in Novosibirsk, Siberia and St Petersburg, Russia will benefit from the $5,000 gift (along with others) in their efforts to uphold dignity of life and minister to the hurting through Christ's Mercy in Russia.

Students at our seminaries studying in the Center for Hispanic Studies and the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology will be offered help with covering education, cost of books and supplies. So, with these gifts of love from you and our mite box collections, your influence goes here and abroad. Continue, with prayer, to submit your mites. The next list of grants from convention will be no less impressive and awesome as these past two years.

Picture:  Kristen Kolell presents the LWML check for $15,000 to Dr. Chris Cody at the District Office in February